What Am I Supposed To Do With This Blankety-Blank-Blank-Blank Employee??

Tens of thousands of managers ask themselves that question every working day — and now there is an answer!

Managing the Unmanageable, by Anne Loehr and Jezra Kaye, was written for managers who are sick and tired of dealing with employees who can’t, won’t, or just don’t perform their jobs.

Does that describe you?  If so — or if you just want to get the best out of every employee that you manage — the book’s practical tips and proven techniques will help you:

  • Understand what’s driving your unmanageable employee
  • Evaluate the costs and benefits of turning him around
  • Enroll her in that effort, and help her become a valued member of your team
  • Guide all your employees to greater innovation, cooperation and effectiveness
  • Communicate with each of the three generations in the workplace

Managing the Unmanageable is a unique resource for a universal problem.  Learn more about how its flexible 5C Framework can guide you to success with unmanageables of every age, attitude, history, and habits.